Change Your Course, Change Your Life.

The Road Less Traveled Counseling Services, LLC is a professional therapy practice aimed at helping adults get to the heart of their pain in order to feel profound relief and experience lasting change.



*Due to Covid-19, I am only offering remote sessions at this time.

Hi, I'm Jenna and I am a mental health therapist licensed in both Missouri and Illinois.

Welcome to the Road Less Traveled.

While our first reaction is to avoid what is painful in our lives, these thoughts, feelings, or concerns can continue to grow despite our best efforts and threaten to take control of our health, well being, relationships, and so much more. 


Taking the road less traveled is about learning to approach your pain so that you have a choice and a sense of control. If you are ready to reclaim the direction of your life, I can help you address what has been throwing you off course and set you on the road to healing.

What Can I Help You With?